run-e is specialised in digital transformation projects and cloud development.


run-e offers customisable market research software for running viewing facilities and telephone rooms efficiently.

Furthermore, run-e has an extensive expertise in digitisation projects by process optimisation through custom software. For the development, modern, cloud-ready, architecture frameworks are utilised which accelerate projects and reduce start investments.



1. Know-How in market research industry

Extensive knowledge of market research processes, especially in the daily management of resources as e.g. CATI and CAPI interviewers and supervisors or organising focus groups and running viewing facilities.

2. Know-How of workflows

Long time experience in standardising processes and optimising efficiency of workflows and staff.

3. Know-How in software development

Ready made, modern and secure cloud based architecture frameworks for resource bookings; Custom software and app development, stable and scalable architecture of modern software systems; Excellent agile usage requirements analysis and Keeping focus on user centred design and usability (UX); Utilising professional methodology of computer sciences and structured work

Experience in state of the art backend technologies (as e.g. Java JEE, .NET, Spring Boot, Microservices, Spring, Hibernate, JPA, SQL, NoSQL), in modern web technologies (state-less architecture, Angular, Ionic, standardises web services, as XML-RPC, SOAP, REST and JSON) as well as utilising up to date tools for testing, automatised deployment and cloud infrastructure (for example Docker, jenkins, Gitlab CLI and AWS)



First company founded in grandpa's garage in Lünen/Germany

MR Orga, the first market research fieldwork management software, was developed and published in v1

First customer in Germany

CATI (Computer Aided Telephone Interview) interface between MR Orga and Sawtooth Technologies, Northbrook/USA


Move offices from garage to Lünen-Tec technology centre


Move offices to Westfalendamm 251 in Dortmund

Current company run-e Software & Consulting GmbH & Co. KG was founded

CATI interface between MR Orga and GESS, cooperation with GESS, Hamburg/Germany

MR Orga, market research fieldwork management software, published in v4


First Scrum Master and Product Owner certifications in development team


CATI interface between MR Orga and Voxco, cooperation with Voxco, Montreal/Canada

run-e opened its South Europe branch, Munich/Germany

MR Orga, market research fieldwork management software, published in v7


First customer in Spain

CATI interface between MR Orga and SPSS Quancept

CATI interface between MR Orga and Ingress, cooperation with Ingress, Hamburg/Germany

Technology cooperation with itemis, Lünen

Elimination of internal IT server infrastructure and move to a fully virtual environment in a data centre

Presentation of worlds' first market research management app for iOS devices at Research & Results show, Munich


First customer in Switzerland


CATI and CAPI interfaces between MR Orga and Askia, cooperation with Askia, Paris/France

CATI interface between MR Orga and NEBU, cooperation with NEBU, Amsterdam/The Netherlands


First customer in The Netherlands


First customer in Norway

CATI interface between MR Orga and SPSS Dimensions / IBM Data Collection / Unicom Intelligence

First customer in UK


Cloud based architecture framework and demo web application moots for resource bookings published


First client in Denmark

Technology cooperation with Conciso, Dortmund


Technology cooperation with Loftus IT, Adelaide/Australia

run-e opened its Asia / Pacific branch, Adelaide


First client in Australia

Elimination of the virtual IT infrastructure and move into the AWS cloud

Moved offices to Pariser Bogen 7 (Stadtkrone-Ost), Dortmund


Architecture framework for mobile applications is available as a product

App 'Toldu' for informing many about events, demonstrating cloud architecture capabilities, is available

Three team members receive AWS Solutions Architect certification


App 'Toldu' for informing many about events, demonstrating cloud architecture capabilities, is available on the PlayStore

MVP of a new MR Orga extension module for all time documentation needs is available in the cloud

MR Orga extension module for all time documentation needs will replace MR Agent
